Stroke, <a href="">Volume 51, Issue 11</a>, Page 3382-3391, November 1, 2020. Race/ethnic minorities face significant inequities in stroke incidence, prevalence, care, and outcomes. The Health Equity and Actionable Disparities in Stroke: Understanding and Problem-solving symposium, a collaborative initiative of the American Heart Association and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, was the first-ever annual multidisciplinary scientific forum focused on race/ethnic inequities in cerebrovascular disease, with the overarching goal of reducing inequities in stroke and accelerating the translation of research findings to improve outcomes for race/ethnic minorities. The symposium featured esteemed invited plenary speakers, lecturing on determinants of race/ethnic inequities in stroke and interventions aimed at redressing the inequities. The Edgar J. Kenton III Award recognized Ralph Sacco, MD, MS, for his lif...