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HEADS-UP: Understanding and Problem-Solving

Stroke, <a href="">Volume 51, Issue 11</a>, Page 3375-3381, November 1, 2020.
There are substantial and longstanding inequities in stroke incidence, prevalence, care, and outcomes. The Health Equity and Actionable Disparities in Stroke: Understanding and Problem-Solving (HEADS-UP) symposium is an annual multidisciplinary scientific and educational forum targeting major inequities in cerebrovascular disease, with the ultimate objective of helping to bridge major inequities in stroke, and promptly translating scientific results into routine clinical practice, for the benefit of vulnerable and underserved populations. HEADS-UP is a collaborative undertaking by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the American Stroke Association and is held the day before the annual International Stroke Conference. In 2020, the HEADS-UP focused on the topic of racial/ethnic disparities in stroke and comprised invited lectures on determinants of racial/ethnic inequities in stroke as well as emerging interventions or promising strategies designed to overcome these inequities. Competitively selected travel award scholarships were given to 19 early stage investigators who presented posters at professor moderated sessions; engaged in several career development activities aimed imparting grant writing skills, knowledge about climbing the academic ladder, and striving for work-life balance; and participated in networking events. This Health Equity edition of Focused Updates will feature an overview of the HEADS-UP 2020 symposium proceedings and articles covering the key scientific content of the major lectures delivered during the symposium including the presentation by the award-winning plenary speaker. Starting in 2021, HEADS-UP will expand to include 5 major inequities in stroke (racial/ethnic, sex, geographic, socioeconomic, and global) and seeks to be a viable avenue to meet the health equity goals of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and World Stroke Organization.

from WoltersKluwer: Stroke: Table of Contents


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