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Showing posts with the label Neuroscience News

Why Do Most People Cradle Babies in Their Left Arm?

A novel study explores the curious phenomenon of why the majority of people prefer cradling a baby in the crook of their left arm. Research suggests that around 75% of individuals, regardless of their handedness, instinctively use their non-dominant arm to cradle a baby. from Neuroscience News

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: Brain-Fat Tissue Feedback Loop Holds Key

A new study reveals a vital brain-fat tissue feedback loop that plays a pivotal role in aging. The research identifies specific neurons in the hypothalamus that, when activated, signal the body's fat tissue to release energy, facilitating physical activity and brain function. from Neuroscience News

How Your Brain Puts Your Loved One on a Pedestal

In a novel study, the link between romantic love and the brain's behavioral activation system (BAS) has been explored for the first time. The study surveyed 1,556 young adults who identified themselves as being "in love," focusing on their emotional responses to their partners, their behaviors around them, and their level of focus on their loved ones. from Neuroscience News

Immune Cells Hold the Key to Biological Aging

Scientists are using epigenetic clocks to reveal our biological age, a true marker of health. A new study delves into the immune system's role in understanding and improving the accuracy of these clocks. from Neuroscience News

The Science of Sleep: Brain’s Reset Mechanism Revealed

Sleep has long been a mystery, but a new study offers fresh insights. By tracking brain activity in sleeping rats, they propose that sleep's primary function is to reset the brain's computational state to achieve "criticality." from Neuroscience News

Can Cannabis Improve Exercise Experience?

A study of 42 runners reveals that using cannabis before exercise can boost mood and enjoyment. The study shows that both THC and CBD can enhance exercise experience, with CBD even outperforming THC in some aspects. from Neuroscience News

Psychoactive Ibogaine and Magnesium Show Promise for PTSD

Ibogaine, a plant-based psychoactive drug combined with magnesium, effectively reduces PTSD, anxiety, and depression in veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). The study, involving 30 U.S. special forces veterans, showed significant and lasting improvements in mental health and functioning post-treatment. from Neuroscience News

Revealing Secrets: People’s Fear of Judgment is Overestimated

New research dispels fears of judgment when sharing secrets. Study shows that when individuals confide their secrets, others perceive them as more charitable and trustworthy. from Neuroscience News

Lower Socio-Economic Women Underrate Their Talent

A new study reveals that women from low socio-economic backgrounds tend to perceive themselves as less talented, even when their performance matches others'. This misperception can contribute to gender disparities, especially in fields like STEM. from Neuroscience News

High-Fat Diets Impact Health, Immunity, and COVID-19 Risk

A new study highlights the effects of high-fat diets on genes associated with obesity, colon cancer, immune function, brain health, and potentially COVID-19 risk. Researchers fed mice three different high-fat diets and observed changes in gene expression, gut bacteria, and susceptibility to infectious diseases. from Neuroscience News

How the Growing Brain Processes Surprises

Researchers studied mice to understand how the brain processes unexpected stimuli during development. They found that the brain's response to surprises changes as we grow, becoming more efficient in categorizing stimuli as "important" or "uninteresting." from Neuroscience News

Poor Sleep Quality in Middle Age Linked to Future Cognitive Decline

New research suggests that disrupted sleep in one's 30s and 40s may lead to memory and cognitive problems a decade later. While the study doesn't establish a causal relationship, it highlights an association between sleep quality and cognitive health. from Neuroscience News

Ear Infections Can Impact Children’s Language Skills Long-Term

A new study highlights the long-term impact of chronic ear infections on children's language development. The study reveals that repeated, temporary hearing loss caused by ear infections can lead to deficits in auditory processing and language skills later in life. from Neuroscience News

Elixir of Youth: New Discoveries in Aging and Health

Researchers uncover a link between acylspermidines, a family of metabolites, and sirtuins, enzymes critical in aging and disease. Recent studies indicate sirtuins' role in age-related diseases, making them promising therapeutic targets for longevity and health span. from Neuroscience News

Mind Over Matter: Perception of Time Influences Wound Healing

Perceived time significantly impacts the healing of physical wounds. Researchers found wounds healed faster when participants believed more time had passed, challenging conventional beliefs about psychological effects on physical health. from Neuroscience News

Brain Space Abnormalities Tied to Autism Risk and Sleep Problems in Infants

Researchers discovered that infants with abnormally enlarged perivascular spaces in their brains have a 2.2 times higher risk of developing autism. Enlarged perivascular spaces were observed in infants as early as 12 months, with nearly half of diagnosed autistic infants having them by 24 months. from Neuroscience News

Unlocking the Brain’s Fear Code: Memory, Behavior, and the Brain

Researchers investigate fear memories and their impact on behavior in various environments. Their study uncovers the concept of fear engrams, shedding light on the physical representation of memory in the brain. from Neuroscience News

Synaptic Transistor Mirrors Human Brain Function

Researchers developed a groundbreaking synaptic transistor inspired by the human brain. This device can simultaneously process and store information, mimicking the brain's capacity for higher-level thinking. from Neuroscience News

Embracing Intellectual Humility

Intellectual humility, characterized by an awareness of one's cognitive limitations and openness to revising beliefs, plays a pivotal role in various aspects of human life. This quality encompasses being open-minded, curious, realistic, and teachable, facilitating progress and personal growth. It fosters tolerance for diverse viewpoints and bolsters relationships by promoting respectful dialogue. from Neuroscience News

Neurons Controlling Fertility Identified

Researchers reveal how specific brain neurons impact ovarian function and hormone release, essential for reproduction. Kisspeptin neurons and dynorphin receptors play a crucial role in regulating fertility. from Neuroscience News