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Gut Microbiome Implicated in Healthy Aging and Longevity

Researchers identify distinct signatures in the gut microbiome that were associated with either healthy and unhealthy aging trajectories. from Neuroscience News

Discovery of Biomarker Could Help Predict Alzheimer’s Years Before Symptoms Emerge

Higher levels of the GFAP protein in the blood could be used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease decades before symptoms appear. from Neuroscience News

Omega-3 Supplements May Reduce Muscle Soreness After Exercise

Taking omega-3 supplements may help to reduce muscle soreness following exercise. Researchers found omega-3 reduced inflammation and decreased muscle damage post exercise. from Neuroscience News

How the Brains of Obese People Function Differently From Those of Healthy Weight

People who suffer from obesity have stronger connections between brain areas associated with the motivation to eat and the rewarding effect of food consumption. Additionally, researchers found noted differences in the thickness of the cerebral cortex of obese test subjects. from Neuroscience News

Irregular Sleep Schedules Connected to Bad Moods and Depression

Irregular sleep patterns and inconsistent sleep-wake times increase the risk of bad moods and developing depression. from Neuroscience News

Taste and Its Two Ways to the Brain

Both the orthonasal and retronasal routes, in addition to our taste buds, shape our taste perception of foods. from Neuroscience News