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Do Roosters Recognize Their Own Reflection? Self Awareness Explored

Chickens, often dismissed as simple-minded, are now at the forefront of a study on self-awareness. Researchers have observed roosters potentially recognizing themselves in mirrors. However, the success of this recognition depends greatly on the experimental conditions. from Neuroscience News

Music’s Deep Dive: The Emotional Elixir We’ve Overlooked

Researchers find that intense focus on music triggers powerful emotional responses with therapeutic benefits. The study observed participants in the "Listen Up" experience by Indigo Project. Participants listened to music in a dimmed studio, resulting in a range of emotional reactions. Not just mere enjoyment, these deep musical immersions were seen as cathartic journeys leading to a serene state. from Neuroscience News

Genes Guiding Mealtime Rhythms Revealed

Researchers utilized fruit flies to unravel the mystery of daily eating patterns in animals. They discovered that the quasimodo (qsm) gene aligns feeding with light and dark, while genes like clock (clk) and cycle (cyc) regulate eating/fasting cycles. Interestingly, nerve cells, not metabolic tissues, ensure these cycles match daily rhythms. from Neuroscience News

Hair Follicles’ Hidden Role in Touch Sensation

A new study uncovered a previously unknown mechanism in hair follicles that allows us to detect touch. Previously, sensation was attributed only to nerve endings in the skin, but this study reveals that cells within hair follicles can also sense touch. from Neuroscience News

Is AI Mimicking Consciousness or Truly Becoming Aware?

AI's remarkable abilities, like those seen in ChatGPT, often seem conscious due to their human-like interactions. Yet researchers suggest AI systems lack the intricacies of human consciousness. from Neuroscience News