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Beyond Sight: Unraveling the Mysteries of Brain Wiring

Scientists made a novel discovery using zebrafish with a genetic mutation. These 'deep-blind' fish lack connections between the retina and brain yet retain functional brain circuits. from Neuroscience News

Fumes from Indoor Cooking Fuels Linked to Developmental Delays

Researchers explored the link between indoor air pollution from cooking fuels and child development. The study found a connection between exposure to unclean cooking fuels and developmental delays in children. from Neuroscience News

HSN Neuron Unravels Behavior Mysteries

New research delves into the C. elegans worm's HSN neuron, offering insights into the versatility of individual nerve cells in directing behaviors. This neuron manages a spectrum of activities, from instantaneous egg laying to dictating the worm's speed post egg laying. from Neuroscience News

Fatty Foods Influence Memory Formation

Researchers from Ohio State University have delved deeper into how high-fat diets might impact memory. The study identified the omega-3 fatty acid DHA as a potential defense against fat-induced brain inflammation. from Neuroscience News

Choosing Needs Over Wants: How Dopamine Decides

Researchers unveiled the brain's ability to prioritize needs over wants using the dopamine reward system. This study, observing a male zebra finch's shift from quenching thirst to courting when faced with a female, sheds light on the flexible nature of the dopamine system. from Neuroscience News