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How Some Neurons Compensate for Death of Their Neighbors

Some neurons have the ability to detect and compensate for neighboring neurons, while others do not. The findings shed new light on synaptic plasticity. from Neuroscience News

New Link Between Personality and Risk of Death

Study finds the immune system links personality to the long-term risk of mortality. Those who score higher on the personality trait of conscientiousness tend to live longer because their immune systems have lower levels of interleukin-6. from Neuroscience News

Altered Brain Connectivity After Prolonged Anesthesia

Prolonged anesthesia significantly alters the synaptic architecture of the brain, regardless of age. from Neuroscience News

Kids With Mental Health Problems Become Less Healthy Adults

Middle-aged people who experienced mental health problems during youth aged at a faster pace, showed greater declines in sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, and were rated as looking older than their peers. from Neuroscience News

People With This Muscle Protein Gene Variant Tolerate the Cold Better

Researchers report α-actinin-3 deficiency improves cold tolerance in humans by increasing muscle tone. Approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide are believed to have this deficiency. from Neuroscience News

Mimicking a Chronic Immune Response Changes the Brain

Chronic increases of the cytokine IL-17a circulating in the blood of mice reduced microglia activity in one region of the hippocampus, an area of the brain critical for memory and learning. from Neuroscience News