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Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) impacts the lives of 5% of adults in the US. Researchers explore the best ways in which sufferers of SAD can improve their symptoms. from Neuroscience News

How Our Knowledge of the World Embedded in Brain Connectivity Shapes Our Creativity

Researchers have identified a link between real-time creativity, semantic memory structure, and functional connectivity in the brain. from Neuroscience News

Mothers’ Sleep Apnea May Increase Risk of Autism-Like Changes in Their Male Offspring

Sleep apnea during pregnancy may increase the risk of brain and behavioral changes associated with autism in males, a new study reports. from Neuroscience News

Small Study Finds Alzheimer’s-Like Changes in Some COVID Patients’ Brains

The brains of patients who died as a result of COVID-19 infection displayed some of the same molecular changes found in the brains of those with Alzheimer's disease, a new small study found. The findings may explain why some long-term COVID sufferers report memory problems. from Neuroscience News

Love of Nature Is Partially Heritable

A study of twins reveals a love of nature appears to be, at least in part, heritable. from Neuroscience News

People With Less Memory Loss in Old Age Gain More Knowledge

Older adults who experience less decline in fluid cognitive abilities show larger gains in crystallized abilities, a new study reports. from Neuroscience News