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Vitamin D the Clue to More Autism Spectrum Disorder in Boys

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy may explain why males are three times more likely to be diagnosed with ASD than girls. The study reports prenatal vitamin d deficiency increases testosterone in the developing male brain. from Neuroscience News

Gut Microbiota Plays a Role in Brain Function and Mood Regulation

An imbalance in gut bacteria can cause the reduction of some metabolites, resulting in depression-like symptoms. The findings contribute to the growing body of evidence for the role the microbiome plays in brain function and mental health. from Neuroscience News

Small Molecule Restores Muscle Strength and Boosts Endurance in Old Mice

A single protein called 15-PGDH appears to be a master regulator of muscle function during aging. Blocking the protein in mice increased muscle strength and endurance. from Neuroscience News

Dogs and Their Owners Share a Risk of Developing Diabetes

Dog owners whose pets are diabetic are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with healthier pets. The study supports the hypothesis that pet owners may share certain behaviors, such as physical activity level, with their pet. from Neuroscience News