Stronger Memories Can Help Us Make Sense of Future Changes
The stronger a memory is as it is first encoded, the easier it is for a person to note subsequent changes and integrate them to update their understanding.
Cold water swimming significantly eases menopausal symptoms. Surveying 1114 women, with 785 experiencing menopause, researchers found improvements in anxiety, mood swings, low mood, and hot flushes among participants. from Neuroscience News
Handwriting, compared to typing, results in more complex brain connectivity patterns, enhancing learning and memory. This study used EEG data from 36 students to compare brain activity while writing by hand and typing. from Neuroscience News
The world of neurodiagnostics got a rude awakening about infectious disease 30 years ago. That was when the largest outbreak of Hepatitis B in history was linked to 6 outpatient EEG clinics . Since then, EEG labs and clinics have adopted more stringent infection control measures. It hasn’t been enough, though. Researchers have continued to find contamination. The most recent example includes two papers by Albert et al., published in 2018 and 2019 , that found 25 percent of cleaned, reusable EEG cup electrodes and lead wires had bacterial growth. And no two labs followed the same cleaning process. “That was really alarming, because you would think that 30 years later we would be in a better position,” says Anna M. Bonner. Bonner is a neurodiagnostic technologist and author of “ Infection Prevention: 2020 Review and Update for Neurodiagnostic Technologists ,” published in the Neurodiagnostic Journal. This is the fifth iteration of infection control guidelines provided by ASET-The N...
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