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A thought - The world is human centric and human body is brain (mind ) Centric. It appears as if all the body organs and parts in human body serve primarily to Brain. Some collect information for brain some follow the orders of brain and some protect and look after these two under the control of brain. So brain has information from every nook and corner of body be it by somatic or autonomic fibers. At entry sites of body be it gut or skin brain keeps guards for information by vagal-ENS system or free nerve endings in skin. Not only brain orders, it monitors the effectors also for the quality and accuracy of work done by them called as feedback mechanism. It takes corrective steps if the desired accuracy is not achieved in first attempt and that is the basis of our perfectionist behaviour sometimes. Brain is surrounded by hardest and toughest coverings which supports its importance and delicacy both. But who creates this master? Who creates coverings for it? Brain is its own master? Or it serves for someone else? The DNA? - AT


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