Editor’s Choice Dedicated nasopharyngeal MR imaging before (plain scan system) and after intravenous contrast administration (current and modified systems) was reviewed in patients from a nasopharyngeal carcinoma-endemic region, comprising 383 patients with suspected disease without nasopharyngeal carcinoma and 383 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The modified and plain scan systems refined primary tumor criteria, added a nodal assessment, and expanded the system from 4 to 5 grades. The current, modified, and plain scan MR imaging systems yielded sensitivities of 99.74%, 97.91%, and 97.65%, respectively, and specificities of 63.45%, 89.56%, and 86.42%, respectively. The modified system yielded significantly better performance than the current and plain systems. In conclusion, the authors propose a modified MR imaging grading system that improves diagnostic performance for nasopharyngeal carcinoma detection. Contrast was not valuable for low MR imaging grades, and the plain sca...