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Alternative routes for recovery of hand functions after corticospinal tract injury in primates and rodents

imagePurpose of review Recent studies on various corticospinal tract (CST) lesions have shown the plastic changes at a variety of motor systems after the lesion. This review provides the alternative routes associated with the motor functional recovery after the CST lesions at various levels in nonhuman primates and rodents. Recent findings In the case of the motor cortical lesions, the perilesional area compensates for the lesion. In contrast, sprouting of the corticoreticular tracts was observed after the lesions involving sensorimotor cortical areas. After the internal capsule lesion, sprouting in the cortico-rubral pathway contributes to the recovery. In case of the pyramidal lesion, rubrospinal and reticulospinal tracts play a role of the functional recovery. After the dorsolateral funiculus (DLF) lesion at C4/C5, the indirect pathway via propriospinal tract contributes to the recovery. In case of the hemisection at lower cervical cord, the CST fibers sprouted from the bilateral motor cortex and descended to the contralesional DLF and crossed below the lesion area. Summary The central pathways can change their structure and activity dynamically depending on the lesion sites and size. Revealing the difference of the alternative pathways should be crucial to understand the whole recovery mechanism and develop the further neurorehabilitative treatment.

from Current Opinion in Neurology - Current Issue


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