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Congratulations Addie Patterson 2020 Exemplary Teacher Award Winner

Photo Addie PattersonPlease join us in congratulating our neurology faculty member Addie Patterson! 

Dr. Patterson is a winner of 2020 College of Medicine Exemplary Teacher awards!

Dr. Patterson has shown a commitment to the education of medical students, residents, and fellows, both informally during teaching rounds and also in her individuals accomplishments!

  • Dr. Patterson is our residency Associate Program Director – in this role, she has revamped our outpatient resident continuity clinics, developed a comprehensive wellness curriculum for the residency, and oversees the daily Morning Report. She also had the highest aggregate teaching evaluation score among all faculty in the department!

On behalf of the department, congratulations and thank you for your excellent commitment to education!

from Department of Neurology » College of Medicine » University of Florida


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