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Seizing the Day: Brooklynn’s Escape From Epilepsy

Robyn Nelson called louder and louder for her 4-year-old daughter, who was somehow drifting away despite lying right by her mother’s side.

“Mommy, where are you? I don’t see you,” said Brooklynn Williams, who repeated the same response after her mom assured her she was right in front of her face.

During this time, Brooklynn’s eyes deviated to the left. She was having a seizure, her first of many in what has become an arduous battle with epilepsy.

“She became unresponsive, foaming at the mouth,” Robyn said. “People have in their mind an idea of a seizure. She didn’t have those classic indicators, like the rigid body, shaking. She didn’t have those things that you imagine when you think of somebody having a seizure.”

from Department of Neurology


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