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How mRNA Transport Influences Neuronal Health

Researchers linked the survival and pathology of sensory neurons to mRNA transport within these cells. They focused on the dynein protein complex, specifically the Dynein Roadblock 1 (Dynlrb1) subunit, critical for neuron survival. from Neuroscience News

How Neurons Help Decipher Wine Aromas and Other Scents

Scientists unraveled how animals differentiate distinct scents, even those that seem remarkably similar. While some neurons consistently identify differing smells, others respond unpredictably, aiding in distinguishing nuanced aromas over time. from Neuroscience News

Less Deep Sleep in Seniors May Be A Silent Alarm for Dementia Risk

A mere 1% reduction in deep sleep yearly for those above 60 translates to a 27% higher dementia risk. Monitoring 346 participants over 60 from the Framingham Heart Study, the research observed declining deep sleep patterns and found 52 dementia cases in 17 years. from Neuroscience News

Virtual Meeting Fatigue Driven by Boredom and Mental Underload

New findings challenge the notion that fatigue from virtual meetings stems from mental overload. Instead, the research indicates that sleepiness during such meetings is linked to mental underload and boredom, especially among those less engaged in their work. from Neuroscience News

Brain Waves: Acetylcholine and Dopamine’s Synchronized Dance in Striatum

Researchers unveiled a groundbreaking discovery in brain chemistry. They identified wave-like patterns of the neurochemical acetylcholine in the striatum, a region vital for motivating actions. from Neuroscience News