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ChatGPT’s Role in Shaping Identity and Personal Narratives

Researchers tapped into ChatGPT-4's capabilities to generate personalized narratives from stream-of-consciousness inputs. In a study, participants found the AI-generated narratives accurate, revealing, and insightful about their own identity. from Neuroscience News

Loneliness Merges Real and Fictional Friends in the Brain

Researchers discovered that lonely fans of "Game of Thrones" processed their favorite characters similarly to real friends in their brains. By using fMRI scans while participants considered the traits of show characters and real friends, a blurred boundary was observed between real and fictional friends for lonelier individuals. from Neuroscience News

Breakthrough on Genetic & Molecular Drivers of Alzheimer’s

Researchers conduct the most extensive analysis on the genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic changes in Alzheimer’s patient brains. By analyzing over 2 million cells from 400 postmortem samples, they've uncovered a detailed picture of the disease's genetic and molecular foundation. from Neuroscience News

Linking Age-Related Memory Decline to a Specific Brain Cell

Researchers have delved deeper into how specific interneurons in the brain affect memory as we age. In a study focusing on the hippocampus, they found that reducing the number of somatostatin-positive interneurons led to cognitive deficits resembling aging. from Neuroscience News