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Beyond Addiction: Study Targets Rising Cocaine Use Disorder

Cocaine use and related fatalities are on the rise in the U.S. Researchers are aiming to understand and combat this trend through a study centered on the theory of reinforcer pathology. from Neuroscience News

Top Five Neuroscience News Articles of the Week

This week, we delve into the realms of belief-altering perceptions, gut-brain links to Alzheimer's, the legal status of brain organoids, a new antidepressant with fewer side effects, and the profound impact of exercise on brain health. from Neuroscience News

Symphony of Synapses: The Brain’s Intricate Dance with Music

Music engages a multitude of brain areas, showcasing a complex interplay between auditory processing, emotion, and memory centers. It elicits emotions through the release of dopamine, our brain's pleasure molecule, explaining the joy we often find in a favorite tune. Moreover, music's power to evoke vivid memories highlights its connection to the hippocampus, our memory storage center. This broad influence of music on our brain mechanisms is also harnessed in therapeutic contexts, such as treating neurological disorders or improving mental health. from Neuroscience News