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Key Signaling Pathway in Immune Cells Could Be New Alzheimer’s Target

Tau-tangles trigger the inflammatory activation of microglia via the NF-κB pathway. Inhibiting the microglia NF-κB signaling pulled the immune cells out of their inflammatory state and reversed learning and memory problems in tau-based Alzheimer's mouse models. from Neuroscience News

A Drug That Cures Alcoholism May Be the Next Anti-anxiety Medication

Disulfiram, a drug commonly prescribed to treat chronic alcohol addiction, was shown to reduce anxiety levels in rodent models. The drug inhibits FROUNT protein and chemokine signaling pathways under its influence, suppressing overall glutamate transmission in the brain. This, in turn, helps reduce overall activity. The findings may signal a new way to treat anxiety in humans. from Neuroscience News

Why Certain Brain Neurons Are Vulnerable to Degeneration

Wolframin-expressing excitatory neurons (WFS1) are more vulnerable in the entorhinal cortex.WFS1 may reduce tau-pathology and neurodegeneration via the regulation of stress response to the abnormal buildup of tau aggregates and the downstream protein degradation pathway. from Neuroscience News

Family Structure Associated With Delinquency for Adolescents

Adolescents who live with single parents or in households with step-parents are more likely to embark on delinquent behaviors, researchers say. from Neuroscience News

Novel Root Cause of Tau-Induced Neurodegeneration Discovered

mRNA decay may facilitate tau-induced damage to the brain and associated apoptosis that contributes to a range of neurodegenerative disorders. Researchers found the mechanism can be altered pharmacologically, providing a new target for the development of therapeutics to prevent or slow the progression of some neurodegenerative disorders. from Neuroscience News

Newborns’ Brains Already Organized Into Functional Networks

The brains of newborns already contain five critical networks, including high-level visual and somatosensory networks that are similar to those seen in adult brains. Researchers identified multiple genes from brain tissue samples that may have led to the specific brain organization in newborns. from Neuroscience News

Could Ultrasound Help the Blind See?

Focused ultrasound technology that stimulates the retina may help those with blindness to regain their vision. from Neuroscience News