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Americans’ interest in CBD eclipses nearly all other health products or topics

Every month, up to 6.4 million searches related to cannabidiol (CBD) are performed by American adults looking to obtain information or buy products. CBD search queries eclipse those for other natural medical alternatives by a significant percentage. from Neuroscience News

Why, Sometimes, We Don’t See What We Actually Saw

Crashes in visual processing occur when neurons processing one image are tasked with processing another too quickly. This results in either one or both images being unable to reach our conscious awareness. from Neuroscience News

Consuming alcohol leads to epigenetic changes in brain memory centers

Study reveals how acetate, a byproduct of alcohol breakdown, travels to the brain's learning system and alters proteins that regulate DNA function. from Neuroscience News

Drug combination reverses hypersensitivity to noise

Summary: Treating mouse models of autism with modafinil and EBIO reduced hypersensitivity to noise. Source: MIT People with autism often experience hypersensitivity to noise and other sensory input. MIT neuroscientists have now identified two brain circuits that help tune out distracting sensory information, and they have found a way to reverse noise hypersensitivity in mice […] from Neuroscience News

Study identifies brain injury as a cause of dementia in some older adults

MRI neuroimaging can distinguish between memory loss caused by Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injury. Using new image analysis software, researchers discovered TBI causes the most amount of damage to the ventral diencephalon, a brain area associated with memory and learning, and the least amount of atrophy to the hippocampus, a brain region most impacted by Alzheimer's. from Neuroscience News

Axons Gonna Ride ’til They Can’t No More

Prion-like domains have been implicated in protein phase separation and aggregation in cellular stress and neurodegeneration. In this issue of Neuron, Andrusiak et al. (2019) uncover a surprising role for a stress granule protein and phase separation in axon regeneration. from journals