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Internet and Neurology

If you want to go beyond what is known already , you have to search the present boundary. Internet era has made it easy to search this boundary.Soon it will be easy to remain always on the boundary or the leading edge of neurological research. More the brains will be working on this edge earlier the brain will reveal itself !

New research reviews the state of vaccine safety science

Researchers will present a systematic review of scientific evidence for, and against causal associations for 47 proposed adverse events following immunizations at PAS 2019. The review found that, for 12 of the 47 AEFIs in the study, a causal relationship has been established with at least one vaccine. With the exception of deltoid bursitis, where a vaccine is administered incorrectly, causing pain to the arm, the adverse reactions are very rare. For the other 35 AEFis, the evidence does not support a causal relationship between conditions, such as ASD, asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or SIDs, and vaccinations. from Neuroscience News Updates

Breastfeeding boosts metabolites important for brain growth

Preterm babies who were fed breastmilk had significantly higher levels of creatine and choline, key metabolites for brain growth and development, than those who were formula fed. from Neuroscience News Updates

Placental function linked to brain injuries associated with autism

Disruptions in the supply of allopregnanolone, a hormone created by the placenta late in pregnancy, to the developing fetus can leave children more vulnerable to brain injuries associated with ASD. Losing the supply of ALLO alters cerebellar development, an area of the brain critical for motor coordination and social cognition, impacting the post-birth development of cerebellar white matter. An experimental model revealed deficient cerebellar white matter resulted in social impairments and an increase in repetitive behaviors, two hallmark feature associated with autism. from Neuroscience News Updates

What are the 10 most eminently curable neurological disorders?

Neurologists are often at the receiving end of the jokes of other medical specialists. They facetiously remark that neurologists know a lot, but do very little to cure their patients. Admittedly we do our fair share of dispensing weak platitudes, and we do break bad news with embarrassing regularity. There is no doubt that, for […] via What are the 10 most eminently curable neurological disorders? — Neurochecklists Blog from The Neurology Lounge

MMR vaccine and autism link debunked again: MMR vaccine reduces ASD risk in subgroup of girls

Another new study refutes claims of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. The study reports no link has been found between MMR and an increased autism risk, even in children with other risk factors for ASD. Researchers also reported, in a subgroup of girls, the MMR vaccine reduced the risk of autism by between 16% and 21%. No link was found between other vaccinations, such as Hib and DTaP, and an increased risk of ASD. from Neuroscience News Updates