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Cannabis Use Disorder More Prevalent in Conservative States

Researchers report young adults who live in states with liberal policies are more likely to have used cannabis within the last year than those living in more conservative states. However, the rate of cannabis use disorder is increased in states with more conservative policies. from Neuroscience News Updates

Childhood Lead Exposure Linked to Poor Adult Mental Health

A new study reveals lead exposure during childhood can significantly impact mental health and personality traits later in life. Researchers found exposure to leaded gasoline prior to the 1990s was linked to increased psychiatric symptoms experienced by adults. from Neuroscience News Updates

Shedding Light on Brain Cell Changes in Multiple Sclerosis

A new study sheds light on brain cells implicated in multiple sclerosis. Researchers found there are several types of oligodendrocytes, and the ratio of these cells differ significantly in those with MS. The findings could help develop new targeted treatments for progressive multiple sclerosis. from Neuroscience News Updates

Targeted Treatment Shrinks Deadly Pediatric Brain Cancer Tumors

Researchers report a targeted therapy that blocks LSD1 effectively shrinks tumor size in mouse models of medulloblastoma, a form of pediatric brain cancer. from Neuroscience News Updates

Physical Activity Can Prevent Against Depression

A new study adds to growing evidence that higher levels of physical activity can help reduce the risk of developing mental illness. Researchers found physical activity can reduce depression risks in those genetically vulnerable to depressive disorders. from Neuroscience News Updates