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What Do You See When You Listen to Music?

Music can paint similar stories in listeners' minds, but the degree to which the imagined narratives are shared depends upon the degree to which culture is shared between the listeners. from Neuroscience News

Psilocybin Increases Brain Connectivity in People With Depression After Use

People with depression who responded to psilocybin therapy showed an increase in brain connectivity for up to three weeks following treatment. The increased brain connectivity was correlated with self-reported improvements in depression symptoms. from Neuroscience News

A Single Memory Is Stored Across Many Connected Brain Regions

Brain mapping study reveals memory engrams are widely distributed throughout the brain, including among regions not previously realized. from Neuroscience News

Personality Traits May Protect Cognitive Function Later in Life

People who scored high for conscientiousness lived two years longer without a decline in cognitive function than those who were less conscientious. Those who scored lower for neuroticism and higher in extraversion were more likely to regain normal cognitive function following a diagnosis of MCI, suggesting those personality traits may be associated with neuroprotection. from Neuroscience News

Brain Circuit Strength Predicts a Child’s Ability to Understand Numbers

The strength of the connection between the hippocampus and the intraparietal sulcus predicts a child's ability to learn number sense and mathematics. from Neuroscience News