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Targeting the Brain’s Immune Cells May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

A drug currently being tested in cancer clinical trials appears to prevent dysfunction in an immune cell signaling pathway associated with Alzheimer's disease. Blocking the pathway could prevent Alzheimer's from developing and slow the progression of symptoms for those who already have the disease. from Neuroscience News

Bionic Eye Study Paves the Way Toward Human Trials

A newly designed bionic eye is safe and stable for long-term implantation, researchers conclude following a three-month study in sheep. The discovery paves the way for human trials of the bionic device. from Neuroscience News

MRI Reveals Altered Brain Structure in Fetuses Exposed to Alcohol

A neuroimaging study reveals significant structural differences in the brain of fetuses exposed to alcohol. Researchers found alcohol exposed fetuses had increased volume in the corpus callosum and decreased volume in the periventricular zone of the brain. from Neuroscience News

Novel Immune Cell Population May Trigger Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis and Other Brain Disorders

A unique subset of group 3 innate lymphoid cells spurs T cells to attack myelinated nerve fibers in mouse models of multiple sclerosis. from Neuroscience News