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Obesity in pregnant moms linked to lag in their sons’ development and IQ

Obesity during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ among boys, but not girls, at age 7. The findings suggest maternal obesity has long=term implications for early cognitive development. from Neuroscience News

Emotion concepts are not the same worldwide

Study reveals substantial variations in how different languages conceptualize emotions. The findings challenge assumptions about the universal nature of emotional semantics. from Neuroscience News

Men think they’re better liars

According to a new study, men are twice as likely than women to consider themselves to be expert liars who can get away with being untruthful. One of the key strategies of liars is to tell plausible lies that are close to the truth, and not provide too much information. from Neuroscience News

Obesity could affect brain development in children

Obese children tend to have a thinner prefrontal cortex and cerebral cortex. The findings could explain why there is a correlation between obesity in children and decreased executive function. from Neuroscience News