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Pregnancy stress triggers immune response that may contribute to postpartum depression

Chronic stress during pregnancy increases neuroinflammation. The immune changes may create circumstances in the brain, which increase susceptibility to postnatal depression. from Neuroscience News

Polio-like disease AFM linked to enterovirus

Researchers detected immunological remnants of enterovirus in the nervous systems of more than 12 patients with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). The findings provide the strongest evidence to date that AFM is caused by a virus. The discovery could lead to improved diagnostics for the condition and the development of a vaccine for AFM. from Neuroscience News

New therapeutic strategy may help reverse autism behavioral abnormalities

Genetically silencing mTORC2 in mouse models prolonged lifespan, suppressed seizures, increased long-term memory, and reduced autism-like behaviors. from Neuroscience News

What’s good for the heart is good for the brain

Twin study reveals higher cardiovascular health is associated with better cognitive health. from Neuroscience News

Study debunks myth that only children are more narcissistic

A new study debunks the long-standing myth that only children are more likely to display narcissistic traits than their peers who have siblings. Data analysis revealed only children showed no increase in grandiosity or rivalrous compared to children of the same age with brothers or sisters. Researchers say the stereotype that only children are narcissistic remains prevalent but is highly inaccurate. from Neuroscience News

Immune cells rewire and repair the brain while we sleep

Microglia play a critical role in reorganizing neural connections, fighting infections, and repairing damage to neurons while we sleep. from Neuroscience News

How the brain dials up the volume to hear someone in a crowd

When a person listens to another person talking, their brain waves alter to select specific features of the speaker's voice and tune out other voices. from Neuroscience News