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Social Media’s Influence: Why More Young Women Eye Cosmetic Surgery

New research unveils the powerful influence of social media on young women’s views towards cosmetic surgery. The study, surveying 238 young women, found regular social media users more likely to be self-critical and open to cosmetic procedures. from Neuroscience News

Congress Tweets: Belief-Speak, Facts, and Trustworthiness Decoded

A new study delves into the tweet behavior of Congress members over the last decade. Both Republican and Democratic politicians have shown an uptick in sharing their convictions and beliefs along with evidence-backed information. from Neuroscience News

Decoding Brain Inflammation

Researchers studied the TSPO protein, a marker for visualizing cerebral inflammation. Although used in hundreds of PET scans, its exact significance in relation to inflammation remained uncertain. from Neuroscience News

Jamais Vu: When the Familiar Turns Eerily New

Repetition in the brain gives rise to two peculiar phenomena: déjà vu and its lesser-known counterpart, jamais vu. The latter makes familiar experiences feel eerily new and unsettling. from Neuroscience News