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Why the Faces of Women and Men Are Perceived Differently by Liberals and Conservatives

A person with a wider face was considered to be more dominant and possess stronger leadership skills than a person with a narrower face. This was especially true of males, who were also considered to be more electable when they had a wider face. Conservatives showed more bias toward women's faces and were less likely to vote for a woman because, despite having wider faces, they perceived the candidate as less dominant. Liberals were more likely to vote for a woman but, as with conservatives, they perceived a woman with a wider face to be less dominant than a male. from Neuroscience News

Important Change in B-Cells in Women With Postpartum Depression

Researchers found significant differences in B cells in women with postpartum depression. B cells are important components of the immune system that help produce antibodies and secrete both pro and anti-inflammatory factors. from Neuroscience News

Brainstem Atrophy Is Linked to Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Frontotemporal Dementia

Patients who suffer from frontotemporal dementia with extrapyramidal symptoms have brainstem atrophy and reduced metabolic activity in specific brain regions compared to those with FTD without extrapyramidal symptoms. from Neuroscience News

Teens Who Struggle in Relationships Suffer Premature Aging in Adulthood

Teens who experience maladaptive relationships show physical and epigenetic signs of premature aging when they reach adulthood. from Neuroscience News

What Shaking a Container Can Teach Us About Touch

Study sheds light on the human ability to understand how an object moves inside a container, revealing how different kinds of information can be conveyed via the sense of touch. from Neuroscience News