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Brain Biomarkers Identify Those at Risk of Severe PTSD Symptoms

Researchers report the striatum and amygdala are less able to track changes in threat levels in those with severe PTSD. The findings may serve as a biomarker to evaluate who may be at greater risk of PTSD symptoms. from Neuroscience News Updates

Helping Cells to Help Themselves May Benefit Multiple Sclerosis

Researchers have discovered how the body is able to initiate repair mechanisms which can limit the extent of damage to the myelin sheath. The findings could help with the development of new therapies for multiple sclerosis. from Neuroscience News Updates

Erasing Memories Associated with Cocaine Use Reduces Drug Seeking Behavior

Disrupting memories associated with environmental cues significantly reduces cocaine seeking behaviors in rat models of addiction, a new study reports. from Neuroscience News Updates

Parental PTSD Affects Health Behavior and Aging Among Offspring of Holocaust Survivors

A new study reports Holocaust survivors who suffer from PTSD and their adult children age less successfully and display more unhealthy behaviors than those with no PTSD or who did not experience the horrors of the Holocaust. from Neuroscience News Updates

All Too Human: The Price We Pay for Our Advanced Brains May Be a Greater Tendency to Disorders

Researchers report the neural code of the prefrontal cortex is more efficient than the amygdala in both humans and primates. The lower resistance of the amygdala to errors in humans may play a role in exaggerated survival responses, such as those seen in anxiety and PTSD. from Neuroscience News Updates