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Sharpening Vision Beyond the Focus Point

While traditional visual training methods enhance perception only in specific visual regions, a new study presents a breakthrough. By actively exploring visual stimuli via eye movement, participants improved their entire visual field, not just the area they focused on. from Neuroscience News

Our Innate Novelty Cravings Amplified by the Digital Age

A recent paper shifts the blame for our tech-driven distractions from information overload to our minds' innate craving for novelty. The research suggests that the ease with which digital platforms provide fresh, ever-changing content has magnified our predisposition for 'checking habits'. from Neuroscience News

Bipolar Disorder Can Be Detected With Blood Test

A novel approach combines an online psychiatric assessment with a blood test to diagnose bipolar disorder, a condition often misdiagnosed as major depressive disorder. This blood test, alongside the digital assessment, can accurately diagnose up to 30% of bipolar disorder cases. from Neuroscience News

The Brain’s Reading Riddle: Dual Brain Regions Unlock Language’s Depths

New research illuminates the brain's role in semantic integration during reading, providing insights into the challenges faced by aphasia patients. The study found that the posterior temporal cortex activates early during semantic processing, while the inferior frontal cortex plays a broader role in understanding meaning. from Neuroscience News

Novel Schizophrenia Insights from Brain Organoids and Genes

Researchers leveraged cutting-edge technology to gain insights into schizophrenia's neurodevelopmental origins. The researchers grew brain organoids from patients' skin cells, finding persistent axonal disruptions in those with schizophrenia. In another study, researchers zeroed in on a schizophrenia risk gene, CYFIP1, revealing its potential role in brain immune cells called microglia and their influence on synaptic pruning - a crucial process for brain health. from Neuroscience News