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Too hungry to learn: New research provides food for thought

While food insecurity was overall associated with lower cognitive scores in children, those who experienced food insecurity by age five, but later became food secure, showed further reduced scores in reading and vocabulary development. from Neuroscience News Updates

Neural patterns key to understanding disorders such as PTSD discovered

Imbalanced communication between the hippocampus and amygdala may lead to the inability to distinguish between negative memories that have overlapping features. The findings could provide new treatment options for those with PTSD. from Neuroscience News Updates

Animal-assisted therapy improves social behavior in patients with brain injuries

Animal-assisted therapy improves social behaviors and reduces negative emotions in those with TBI. The findings report those with brain injuries exposed to AAT experienced higher social engagement, satisfaction and motivation following therapy sessions. from Neuroscience News Updates

Zapping Memories: Electrostimulation Restores Working Memory of 70 Year Olds’ to That of 20 Year Olds’

Non-invasive electrostimulation restores working memory in 70-year-olds, allowing for comparable to cognitive abilities to those of 20-year-olds. The technology increases neural synchronization patterns and information flow between frontotemporal regions of the brain. This results in rapid improvements of working memory in older people, which lasted for more than 50 minutes post stimulation. The findings offer new hope to those suffering age-related memory impairments. from Neuroscience News Updates

Empathy and cooperation go hand in hand

A capacity for empathy is key in sustaining cooperation between a social group. Findings reveal empathy can evolve through a process of social contagion. from Neuroscience News Updates

How technology can help prompt positive memories for people with depression

Researchers propose adapting computer technologies to help those with depression recall positive memories. Most existing technologies focused on supporting memory impairments are geared towards episodic memory recall and cognitive impairments related to neurodegenerative diseases. from Neuroscience News Updates

Curbing Morning Sickness with Cannabis May Lead to Behavioral and Memory Problems in Children

The use of cannabis to curb the symptoms of morning sickness has been linked to behavioral and memory deficits in children. In utero exposure to marijuana alters neural networks in the developing hippocampus, an area of the brain implicated in memory and learning. from Neuroscience News Updates

Cell death may be triggered by ‘hit-and-run’ interaction

Two different parts to the BAX protein can bind to BH3-only, and these sites function at different stages of BAX activation. When BH3-only binds to one of the regions, BAX becomes able to damage mitochondria. from Neuroscience News Updates

A sleep-deprived brain interprets impressions negatively

Sleep loss leads to negativity bias, negative mood and impaired emotional regulation. from Neuroscience News Updates

Five Australian patients to trial new brain reading device to help speech and movement

A minimally invasive brain implant is to be tested on humans for the first time. The device, named Stentrode, will be placed in blood vessels in the motor cortex, and researchers believe it will help improve movement and speech for those with a range of neurological disorders. from Neuroscience News Updates

Childhood trauma has lasting effect on brain connectivity in patients with depression

Study finds an association between resting state network connectivity abnormalities in those with major depressive disorder who experienced childhood trauma. from Neuroscience News Updates

Could eating garlic reduce aging-related memory problems?

Eating garlic containing allyl sulfide may promote memory consolidation and improve cognition by restoring essential gut bacteria. from Neuroscience News Updates

Robots created with 3D printers could be caring for those in golden years

A new method is able to efficiently design and fabricate soft robots using 3D printing technology. The ASM can perform complex motions, such as gripping and crawling. from Neuroscience News Updates

Neurodevelopment of 2-month-old infants shows effect of maternal stress

The findings of an EEG study on two-month-old babies reveals the impact of maternal stress on early neurodevelopment. from Neuroscience News Updates

Performance-enhancing drugs may increase risk of teen cocaine abuse

Teens who use anabolic steroids are at increased risk of cocaine use disorder, researchers report. from Neuroscience News Updates

Decline in physical activity often starts as early as age 7

The amount of physical activity children participate in starts to decline at age seven. The study reveals four-fifths of adolescents, and one-third of adults do not meet recommendations of physical activity. from Neuroscience News Updates

Why drinking alcohol causes the munchies

A shared brain network may explain why high alcohol consumption and junk food cravings go hand in hand. from Neuroscience News Updates

Advances in deep brain stimulation could lead to new treatments

Researchers discuss the potential of deep brain stimulation in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, OCD, Tourette syndrome and other disorders. from Neuroscience News Updates

How education may stave off cognitive decline

Neuroimaging reveals those who have spent more years studying have increased cortical thickness in the medial prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal areas of the brain. Researchers also identified enhanced gene expression profiles in these brain regions that promote information processing and provide protection against some age-related neurodegenerative diseases. from Neuroscience News Updates