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Sniffing pleasant odors may decrease cigarette craving

Pleasant olfactory cues hold promise for helping to curb the urge to smoke in those who are quitting. Exposure to olfactory cues reduced symptoms of cravings, with effects lasting up to five minutes following exposure. from Neuroscience News Updates

Stimulating the epileptic brain breaks up neural networks to prevent seizures

Responsive neurostimulation can remodel neural networks, leaving the brain less susceptible to epileptic seizures. from Neuroscience News Updates

Low-intensity ultrasound can change decision-making process in the brain

A study of macaque monkeys reveals low-intensity ultrasound can both generate and suppress signalling in the brain and modulate normal function. The ultrasonic stimulation alters counterfactual thinking, allowing the ability to decide upon a better alternative in decision-making tasks. from Neuroscience News Updates

This gene could play a major role in reducing brain swelling after stroke

The TRIM9 gene may help to resolve neuroinflammation and promote recovery following ischemic stroke. from Neuroscience News Updates

What are the 10 most popular topics on Neurochecklists?

Ever wondered what Neurochecklists subscribers most frequently search? Below are the 10 most popular topics on Neurochecklists: Drug-induced encephalopathy: causes Seizure history Seizures: classification Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs): choice with medical conditions Sleep disorders: classification Exploding head syndrome (EHS) Anti DPPX autoimmune encephalitis Lumbar puncture (LP): indications and precautions Transient ischaemic attacks (TIA): clinical features Cervical […] via What are the 10 most popular topics on Neurochecklists? — NEUROCHECKLISTS UPDATES from The Neurology Lounge

Train your brain, change your brain

Neurofeedback training helps reinforce brain patterns associated with motor function while participants complete imaginary motor tasks. The findings may help in the rehabilitation for stroke and other disorders that compromise motor function. from Neuroscience News Updates

NASA’s Landmark Twins Study Reveals Resilience of Human Body in Space

NASA scientists have published the results of the Kelly Twin Study, which revealed how the body adapts to life in space, compared to life on Earth. The findings revealed that, in space, telomeres are unexpectedly longer, the immune system responds appropriately, and variability in gene expression alters. from Neuroscience News Updates

ICU patients with non-brain-related injuries may suffer undetected cognitive dysfunction

A number of patients in intensive care units for non-brain-related illnesses may suffer from cognitive dysfunction. Inflammation that occurs as a result of infection and problems with oxygen flow to the brain which occur when breathing is affected, could contribute to cognitive impairments. from Neuroscience News Updates

Listeners immerse themselves in audiobooks in very different ways

While listening to audiobooks with a captivating narrative, the inferior parietal lobe and visual cortex elicit individual meaning and flow of mental imagery. from Neuroscience News Updates

38 new genes involved in hearing loss identified

38 new genes have been implicated in hearing loss. One of the genes, SPNS2, has been linked to childhood deafness. from Neuroscience News Updates

Artificial intelligence singles out neurons faster than a human can

Convolutional neural network model significantly outperforms previous methods and is as accurate as humans in segmenting active and overlapping neurons. from Neuroscience News Updates

People With a Sense of Oneness Experience Greater Life Satisfaction

Those who have a greater sense of 'oneness' experience overall higher levels of satisfaction with life, regardless of spiritual background or belief. from Neuroscience News Updates

Heads in the cloud: Scientists predict internet of thoughts ‘within decades’

Researchers predict the development of a brain/cloud interface that connects neurons to cloud computing networks in real time. from Neuroscience News Updates

Want to learn a new skill? Take some short breaks

Taking a short rest following a learning activity to help strengthen memory consolidation. from Neuroscience News Updates

Anesthesia sends neurons down the wrong path in unborn rat babies

In utero exposure to anesthesia appears to disrupt the migration of neurons to developing brain areas critical to language and cognition in rats. from Neuroscience News Updates

New role for sensory signals in the brain

Optogenetic stimulation causes signals in the sensory cortex to halt actions during a behavioral task, while altering signals in the motor cortex to cause mice to act more impulsively. from Neuroscience News Updates

Exploring Leonardo da Vinci’s knowledge of the brain

A new study looks at Leonardo da Vinci's contribution to neuroscience and the advancement of modern sciences. from Neuroscience News Updates

Ketamine reverses neural changes underlying depression-related behaviors: Mouse study

The formation of prefrontal cortex dendritic spine formation sustains the remission of depressive related symptoms and behaviors following ketamine treatment by restoring lost spines. from Neuroscience News Updates