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Brain stimulation reverses age-related memory loss

Transcranial magnetic stimulation applied to the parietal lobe improves the function of brain areas important for memory which are disrupted by aging. The study reports TMS helps improve memory in older adults experiencing memory loss to the level of younger adults. from Neuroscience News Updates

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation shows promise for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation reduces inflammation and improves symptoms for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The simulation technique helps inhibit the production of cytokines and reduces inflammatory response. from Neuroscience News Updates

Screen time associated with behavioral problems in preschoolers

Two or more hours of screen time is associated with inattention problems in preschool-aged children. from Neuroscience News Updates

New drug mimics benefits of ketamine for depression

NV-5138, a small molecule drug that mimics the action of ketamine, provides fast-acting antidepressant responses in rodent models of depression. The drug is currently undergoing Phase 1 testing in humans. from Neuroscience News Updates

Vitamin D study sheds light on immune system effects

Vitamin D causes dendritic cells to produce more CD31, hindering the activation of T cells. The study sheds light on how vitamin D deficiency regulates the immune system and can lead to autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis. from Neuroscience News Updates

Cannabidiol could help deliver medications to the brain

Cannabidiol may be able to bypass the blood-brain barrier to effectively deliver medications directly to the brain. from Neuroscience News Updates

Scientists restore some functions in a pig’s brain hours after death

Yale researchers successfully restored cellular activity and circulation to a pig's brain, four hours after its death. The research challenges the assumption about both timing and the irreversible nature of the cessation of some brain functions following death. from Neuroscience News Updates

Gender identity leaves imprint on human brains

Gender identity, rather than sex, may cause the epigenome of the brain to differ in males and females. from Neuroscience News Updates

Indicators of despair rising among Gen X-ers entering middle age

Study reveals evidence of rising feelings of despair in Generation X'ers reaching middle age that cuts across racial, educational and geographical divides. from Neuroscience News Updates

When it comes to learning, what’s better: The carrot or the stick?

People are more confident in decisions, and execute choices more quickly, if they are chasing a reward. However, we become more flexible in our decisions when trying to avoid a negative outcome. from Neuroscience News Updates

New microscopy technique peers deep into the brain

A new microscopy technique integrates existing and novel approaches to build a clearer picture of the workings of neurons in the brain. The technique captures cellular activity across large tissue volumes in greater detail than previous techniques have allowed for. from Neuroscience News Updates

New oral appliance helps sleep apnea sufferers sleep more soundly

A new oral device, dubbed the mandibular advancement appliance, can improve the quality of sleep for those with sleep apnea. The device increases retroglossal airway space three-dimensionally. from Neuroscience News Updates

Mindful body awareness training during treatment for drug addiction helps prevent relapse

An intervention treatment called Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy, or MABT, helps women recover from, and prevents relapse, in substance use disorder when used in conjunction with community-based programs. from Neuroscience News Updates

Scientists Create a Model for the Neural Basis of Expectation

A new theoretical model helps explain how the gustatory cortex mediates the expectation of receiving a taste. The model sheds light on the neural basis of expectation. from Neuroscience News Updates

Oxytocin could help treat alcohol use disorder: Rat Study

Administering oxytocin blocks the enhanced motivation for drinking alcohol that fuels alcohol use disorder by blocking GABA signaling in the central nucleus of the amygdala. from Neuroscience News Updates

Scientists ‘reverse engineer’ brain cancer cells to find new targets for treatment

Using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, researchers identified actionable pathways responsible for the growth of glioblastoma stem cells. By reverse engineering brain cancer cells, multiple potential new targets for cancer treatments have been uncovered. from Neuroscience News Updates

Common sleep myths compromise good sleep and health

Many myths associated with sleep may be detrimental to health, a new study reveals. Contrary to popular belief, drinking alcohol is unhealthy for sleep as it reduces the ability for deep sleep states, and sleeping five hours a night can result in a serious health risk. from Neuroscience News Updates

Researchers discover crucial link between brain and gut stem cells

The insulin-like growth factor II gene plays a critical role in adult stem cell maintenance of both the intestine and the brain. Findings suggest IGF-2 is essential for multiple stem cell types, including those implicated in cognitive function and renewing the lining of the small intestine. from Neuroscience News Updates

Brain marker for angry dreams

People with greater frontal alpha asymmetry are less able to regulate strong, emotional, affective states, such as anger, in their dreams. from Neuroscience News Updates