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Are you with me? New model explains origins of empathy

A new model sheds light on the evolutionary origins of empathy and other associated phenomena. The model explains observed patterns of emotional cognition between social group members. from Neuroscience News Updates

Migraine-linked protein exhibits sex-specific pain effects

CGRP, a protein associated with migraine pain, appears to act differently between sexes. Researchers say a female-specific mechanism of downstream CGRP receptor activation is likely to contribute to the higher prevalence of migraine in women. from Neuroscience News Updates

Study of multiple sclerosis patients shows 18 percent misdiagnosed

18% of new patients treated at two Los Angeles hospitals for multiple sclerosis were misdiagnosed with the autoimmune disease. The misdiagnosed patients were often treated unnecessarily with medications designed for MS. From their findings, researchers report the most common alternative diagnosis was migraine. from Neuroscience News Updates

Anti-inflammatory medicine can have a beneficial effect on depression

Anti-inflammatory medications, such as those commonly prescribed for arthritis, improve depressive symptoms in those with MDD. from Neuroscience News Updates

Gum bacteria implicated in Alzheimer’s and other diseases

Study tracks how bacteria associated with gum disease can travel through the body and exude toxins associated with Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and aspiration pneumonia. from Neuroscience News Updates

Blocking opioid receptors could reduce hormone-therapy-fueled increases in sugar intake

Naltrexon, a drug that blocks opioid receptors, reverses estradiol related increases in sugar consumption. from Neuroscience News Updates

Moderate alcohol consumption does not protect against stroke

Contrary to popular belief, drinking 1 to 2 alcoholic drinks a day may not help protect against stroke. Researchers report blood pressure and stroke risk increase with alcohol consumption. from Neuroscience News Updates

Transgender men and women may have higher heart attack risk

Transgender men have a four times higher risk of heart attack than cisgender women, and twice the rate of heart attack than cisgender males. For transgender women, the risk of heart attack is twice the risk as in cisgender women. However, there is no significant difference in risk between transgender women and cisgender males. from Neuroscience News Updates

Herpes virus link to bipolar disorder and depression

Findings provide evidence to support the role of human roseoloviruses, HHV-6A, and HHV-6B in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. from Neuroscience News Updates

New insights into proteins key to Charcot-Marie-Tooth and other nerve diseases

Increasing levels of the MFN1 protein counterbalances mutated MFN2, reducing symptoms associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and neurodegeneration in mouse models. from Neuroscience News Updates

How ALS progresses on genetic and cellular level revealed by high-res spinal cord study

Changes in gene expression help researchers identify ALS associated pathways and establish the key drivers of motor neuron degeneration in the disease. from Neuroscience News Updates

Microglia, cells thought restricted to central nervous system, are redefined in new study

In response to injury, microglia cross the spinal boundary from the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. While in the PNS, microglia provide the function of clearing cellular debris at the point of injury, then return to the CNS in an altered state. Researchers propose this could account for some damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases. from Neuroscience News Updates

Does herpes cause Alzheimer’s?

The herpes simplex virus 1, the virus responsible for cold sores, may account for 50% of Alzheimer's disease cases. HSV1 causes protein deposits which are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Findings also reveal antiviral treatments can help to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's in those with HSV1. from Neuroscience News Updates

New hope for treating childhood brain cancer

DIPG cancer cells exposed to MI-2 fail to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and die quickly, by inhibiting lanosterol synthase. Additionally, while MI-2 destroys glioma cancer cells, the drug does not damage healthy brain cells. from Neuroscience News Updates

What the Finnish concept of sisu can offer the world

The Finnish concept of Sisu refers to a universal phenomenon of latent energy in the human system that enables individuals to persevere and break through unbearable challenges, researchers say. from Neuroscience News Updates

Is it the end of ‘statistical significance’? The battle to make science more uncertain

A new paper considers whether scientific research is really 'moving to a world beyond p<0.05, and if we are ready to alter the standing concept of 'statistical significance'. from Neuroscience News Updates

Do minerals play a role in development of multiple sclerosis?

Study finds no association between mineral levels or dietary mineral intake and an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. from Neuroscience News Updates

Pet owners want to be masters, not servants; which is why we value dogs more than cats

The more subservient behavior of dogs makes their owners more willing to pay when it comes to spending on vet bills and luxury pet items. from Neuroscience News Updates

Screen time, even before bed, has little impact on teen well-being

Contrary to previous findings, a new study reports little evidence for a substantial negative link between screen time use before sleep and adolescent wellbeing. from Neuroscience News Updates

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