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Showing posts with the label Front page feed

Migraine Matters

Numbers don’t tell the whole story, but gaining a better sense of the frequency, risks, and impact on patients’ quality of life can help improve treatment efforts and enhance outcomes. from Front page feed

A History of Migraine: Gender Ratio

COMMENTARY Around three times more women than men have migraine. This marked difference in prevalence is one of the most well-known features of the illness. Yet, our certainty about this gendered ratio is a remarkably recent development. How have  evolving ideas about migraine symptoms, classification, and gendered characteristics  led us to this figure of 3:1? from Front page feed

Gender Disparities in Migraine

Women are three times more susceptible to migraine than are men. The difference is so pronounced that men with migraine are at risk for being underdiagnosed and undertreated. Why such a discrepancy? from Front page feed